I bought this little switch to wire up my office to lighten my wifi network a bit. I haven't noticed any problems with bandwidth. The box looks strong, it's not a vulgar plastic box... I'm very happy with this Netgear!
I bought this little switch to wire up my office to lighten my wifi network a bit. I haven't noticed any problems with bandwidth. The box looks strong, it's not a vulgar plastic box... I'm very happy with this Netgear!
I needed a switch so that I wouldn't have to rely on WiFi at home, and I wouldn't have to worry about bandwidth issues during video sessions. This switch works like a charm, it took me less than a minute to set up, and I'm set up just like in the office. It's a real professional quality tool that allows me to work at home. I hope it will last for many years.
I bought this to wire a room to a fibre box. The metal casing inspires confidence, the device works without any configuration, it keeps the advertised speeds and it does not introduce any measurable latency, in short I am not a network expert but it seems to me to be a good switch.
I have been using it for a month now and still no problems. Simple and intuitive software for full setup, plug and play technology and all in a solid case! Excellent value for money, so I recommend it!
I was looking for a device to analyse the network traffic of an internet line, the port mirroring works perfectly at a super affordable price. I have achieved my goal.
Full setup and easy to access.
Nothing to complain about in terms of quality and price. This is not my first Netgear product and it's still performing well. I'm not a computer technician, just an average consumer and this product is easy to use and efficient.
It is installed as a second level cross-connect and has no problems with throughput.
I've seen it transfer up to 120MB/s in tests, but the average usage is 40-50MB/s
It is sufficiently economical that it can be kept in a cupboard without heating it!
I am very pleased with this equipment, simple and easy to use.
The switch is very basic.
The quality of manufacture seems good to me.
It meets my needs completely.