Order cancellation

Cancellation within the first 15 minutes

You can cancel an order by yourself from your customer account within 15 minutes after having place it. For orders paid by credit card, you will not be charged. If you chose to pay by PayPal, the corresponding amount is automatically credited back to your account.

Cancellation after this period

After this period, the order is considered to be definitively concluded. Our priority, will be to prepare and ship your order as soon as possible. Nevertheless, if you wish to cancel your order, you can mail us.


We cannot guarantee a positive response to cancellation requests received more than 15 minutes after an order has been placed. We will do our best to help you with your request, but beyond a certain stage of preparation the shipment cannot always be blocked. In the event that your request could not be processed, you will of course have the possibility to exercise you right of withdrawal if you do not wish to keep the item.